Gift Confirmation

Make a Gift

Add a Gift

Your gift will be made to


Please select an amount

I would like to give to:
Specify Fund

Gift Levels


Choose amount

Gift Review

Gift Summary

Total Gift Amount

Gift Frequency
Payment Method
Recurring Gift

Please select your intent if you have an existing recurring gift.

Tribute Options

In memory or tribute option is not available for recurring gifts.

Tribute Information
Tribute notification information
255 characters left

Your Information

Your Contact Information
Organization Info
Payroll Info

What are your other affiliations with [institution name here] in addition to faculty or staff?

Confirm Your Gift

Gift Summary

Total Gift Amount


  installments of   bi-weekly, starting within 1-2 pay periods following  

  installments of   bi-weekly, starting the pay period after  

  recurring, starting 1-2 pay periods following  

  recurring, starting the pay period after  

Gift Details

Your gift is being made
Your Information


UH Federal Identification Number (TIN/FEIN #) - 746001399